Five Misunderstandings About PV Solar Power
In front of a lot of information on solar energy, it is still plagued by some rumors, here are five you should not believe that solar misunderstanding. energy only in warm regions The average temperature of a region will not have too much of solar panels. In fact, the solar cell conversion efficiency at low temperatures would rise some. So, even if you live in cold areas, you still have enough sunlight in solar panels. Germany, the northern countries (Germany, the latitude is...
Read MoreHow to calculate the maximum power of solar cells?
The traditional fuel energy is reduced day by day, the damage to the environment have become increasingly prominent, while there are 20 billion people worldwide lack of normal energy supply. This time around the world are casting their eyes on renewable energy, renewable energy want to change the human energy structure, maintain long-term sustainable development. Advantage of its unique solar energy become the focus of attention, more and more countries have begun to implement the...
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